Our Burned Firefighters Need Our Help
On behalf of United Firefighters of Los Angeles City, IAFF Local 112 (UFLAC), let me express our profound gratitude for the outpouring of support that we have received for our injured Firefighters in the wake of the May 16th Major Emergency fire in Downtown Los Angeles.
As you know, a massive fireball engulfed 11 Los Angeles City Fire Department (LAFD) Firefighters while they were battling a commercial building fire, sending all of them to the hospital with burn injuries of varying severity. A 12th Firefighter was later treated and released at the hospital for a minor extremity injury. Fortunately, at this time all are expected to survive, but face a long road to recovery.
Many of you have reached out to ask how one can help. In 2019, UFLAC created a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation for times like these so that every dollar collected goes directly to our LAFD Firefighters and their families in need. For those who feel inclined to support the Firefighters affected by the May 16th downtown fire or whom may be affected in the future by similar incidents please take a moment to visit the UFLAC Fire Foundation website to make a contribution : https://www.uflac.org/product/uflac-fire-foundation-burned-firefighter-fund/
Whether it goes to pay for their families to be near them at the Hospital and Burn Center or helps to fund college for the children of those Firefighters who may not be able to return to duty, all contributions will go towards these brave First Responders who nearly gave their lives to protect Los Angeles.
On behalf of the UFLAC Executive Board, thank you for keeping our Firefighters in your thoughts and the overwhelming number of well-wishes during this challenging time.