Leave Without Pay Class Grievance

United Firefighters of Los Angeles City, IAFF Local 112

Leave Without Pay Class Grievance Form

UFLAC is working on enforcing the arbitrator’s award to make all affected unit members placed on leave without pay (LW) whole for lost wages and benefits.  UFLAC has asked the Department to identify all unit members who were placed on LW and the length of time for each.  In order for us to make sure everyone who is entitled to a remedy is properly identified, we would like all unit members who were placed on LW for alleged non-compliance with the vaccine mandate to let us know the details of your unpaid leave. To facilitate this process, we created a form where those placed on LW can input relevant information like your name, dates of leave without pay, etc.  It is very important that all affected bargaining unit members notify UFLAC so that we can ensure that anyone who is owed a remedy gets what they deserve. 

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Adam Walker at awalker@uflac.org.

Leave Without Pay Class Grievance
Are you an Active Member?
Returned to duty with pay?