United Firefighters of Los Angeles City Fire Foundation
Grants and Scholarships
Please CLICK HERE to fill out the on-line application.
Please CLICK HERE to download a PDF application.
Deadline to apply is November 1st.

To View Our Awardees for mid-year 2021, Click Here!
The United Firefighters of Los Angeles City Fire Foundation (UFLACFF) Grant and Scholarship Program provides educational assistance to fire service members and their immediate families.
The UFLACFF will be awarding the following grants and scholarships twice in year 2021:
Two – $2,000 grants/scholarship
Four – $1,000 grants/scholarships
Four – $500 grants/scholarships
Funding for the grants and scholarships is made possible by UFLACFF, a 501 (c) (3) Charitable Organization, created by United Firefighters of Los Angeles City, IAFF Local 112 (UFLAC) to assist firefighters and the families of firefighters. Donations from Supporters of UFLACFF and UFLAC Local 112, have been designated specifically to support these opportunities for firefighters and their immediate families.
Awards and Grants Amount and Distribution
- Each Grant Award is based on the specific needs of each applicant
- Awards will be announced in the months of July and December of 2021
- Awards will be made directly to the applicant, if over age 18, or to the parents/guardians of a minor child
*An active firefighter or his or her immediate family member is eligible for an Award Grant once every 12-month period.
The Applicant must be an active firefighter, or a dependent of an active firefighter, wishing to further their education, or in need of assistance with tuition, books, materials, trade specific tools or equipment, internet access etc.
Applicants seeking a Scholarship or Grant Award must complete the application packet and forward it to UFLACFF by the application closing date. Applications may be submitted by e-mail to edugrant@uflac.org or mailed to:
United Firefighters of Los Angeles City, IAFF Local #112
c/o UFLACFF Scholarship/Grant Program
1571 W Beverly Blvd, Suite 201
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Application closing date is May 31, 2021 for the July 2021 distribution and November 1, 2021 for the December 2021 distribution.
Application Packets include:
- Completed Application
- Jpeg photo for our files and to use in Foundation related material.
- A brief essay (500 word maximum, typed or written and clearly legible) prepared by the applicant or the parent/guardian. The essay should include how the award will benefit his or her life and serve others in the future, listing their area of study, last grade completed and the school of their choice for their higher education purposes.
- Biography (2 page maximum).
Applications will be evaluated, and awards granted based on the information provided by the applicant, by the UFLACFF Awards Committee (comprised of Foundation Board Members), active firefighter (non-Board members) and the UFLACFF Advisory Committee. The name, and any personal identifying information of the applicant, will be redacted prior to review by the committee.
Please click HERE to fill out the on-line application.
Please click HERE to download a PDF application.
Special thank you to the main Education Grant sponsors & our supporters!
Major Sponsors:
- Matthew and Miho Blumkin – The Blumkin Family Foundation
- Ed Avaness – Miller Kaplan
- Jennifer Lincicum – Fickewirth
- Aaron Straussner & Julie Sherman
- UFLAC Fire Foundation
- Brian and Mary Ann Hishinuma – Retired – LAFD
Jimmy Blackman & Associates
Sandra Jackson – Greenspan Co./Adjusters International
Maria Riggs – UFLAC
Chris Wann – UFLAC
UFLAC Executive Board